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Gaindegia is developing the Basque Country open data portal:

Gaindegia lance le portail de données ouvertes du Pays Basque :

This platform offers open and reusable work files on economy, society, demographics and environment in Basque Country (opendata philosophy). It currently has a data catalogue with over 200 files, catalogued in 12 sub-groups: administrations, population, companies, housing, finances, transport, gender, employment market, unemployment, territory, welfare.

Gaindegia's aim is to increase the number of files gradually as well as constantly updating existing socioeconomic information.

10 years creating knowledge on Basque Country

This means that there are now three platforms implemented this year, coinciding with the entity's 10th anniversary: (display screen on the EH map showing socioeconomic data by town, district, territory and in the European context), (Spatial data on Basque Country as a whole) and (data files for consultation or download)

Through these platforms, Gaindegia wishes to provide citizens with tools to find out about Basque Country as a whole and promote research.