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... is a non profit making association, set up and promoted in 2004 by different economic and social agents.

Euskal Herria, our own country, remains a mystery for most of us. Consequently, we find it hard to organise our own socio-economic space for us to consider and meet our challenges as a country.

Gaindegia is therefore an observatory dedicated to promoting knowledge and opinion on Euskal Herria's economy and society among its economic and social agents.



Economy and society are concepts closely tied to developing any territory, given that they are fundamental for citizens' wellbeing. 

Despite having suffered under constant administrative partition, it is now essential to build up an economic and social environment for Euskal Herria that meets its inhabitants' actual needs. Inter-sector and territorial cooperation are just the first step towards guaranteeing meeting our local and general challenges



  • FIND OUT ABOUT and monitor the sector/territory-based socio-economic situation, developing a structural view.
  • GENERATE knowledge and an opinion in favour of Euskal Herria's national development through economy and society.
  • FACILITATE mutual knowledge, inter-territory cooperation and development of national networks in economy and society.